Be a Sheep, or Not.

It’s human nature to want to belong.

It’s good for us to make connections and be part of a community.

Finding our tribe, is finding people who reflect our values and satisfy our need for companionship.
When we find our tribe, we discover that we don’t have to always go it alone.
We share joy and pain, experience and understanding, fun and the hard slog. 

This article shares stories of people who, at different stages in life, found the courage to reach out and connect with people. We see how seeking out people can add real fulfilment in our lives and help us through challenging times.

“while we have more connections than ever before, more ‘friends’ to like and share our online musings, and perhaps hundreds of followers on Instagram, we are entering a new age of loneliness.”

It’s as important now as ever to find our tribe in life.
With the messages and how we show ourselves on Social Media, we are forgetting who we are. We compare ourselves to others instead of loving ourselves and finding gratitude for what we have in our lives.

Learning and accepting who you are, are the first steps to knowing where you belong.
In coaching, I help people figure out their true self, their real strengths, their true wants in life.
I also help them find the people who see them for who they are, what they are and will support them in whatever goal they are reaching for.
I love when I see a client becoming more comfortable in their own skin, owning their values, strengths and beliefs.

They might walk into an interview knowing what they are looking for and knowing how they can add value for that potential employer. 
They might start that evening class, not worrying if they’ll fit in.
They might start that hobby not worrying if others think it’s silly.

They say don’t be a sheep.
But you can be like the sheep in this photo, surrounded with your tribe.
Find the people who will lift you up that hill.
They will stand strong with you. 

Be who you want to be be, not who you think other’s want you to be.
When you find your tribe, you find people who see you and accept you as you are.

“Belonging is being accepted for you.
Fitting in is being accepted for being like everyone else.”
Brene Brown

Feel confident. Just being yourself. And the right tribe will find you.


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